Leadership Tip for the Week & Motivational Quotation - February 13th, 2023

2 years ago

website: https://leadershipexcellencenow.com
Contact Greg: coach@leadershipexcellencenow.com

The most motivational leadership quotes. Wisdom from leaders. Famous leadership quotes presented by the Leadership Excellence channel. This is the Leadership Tip for the Week & Motivational Quotation - February 13th, 2023.

Quotation attributed to: Stephen R. Covey

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Leadership Tip for the Week: It is easy to blame our present life situation on our background, environment, or surroundings. These may be contributing factors, but the most significant influence that has brought us to the point we are “today” are the decisions we have made or the ones we have avoided. Either we make our own decisions… or someone… or something else will make our decisions for us. Decide wisely… for yourself! - Greg L Thomas

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