#shorts - A Leadership Quote - #14

2 years ago

#shorts - A Leadership Quote #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipadvice #leadershipquotes #leadership #leadershipgrowth
Leadership Excellence website: https://leadershipexcellencenow.com
Contact Greg: coach@leadershipexcellencenow.com

Quotation attributed to: Bill Gates

"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."

Leadership Tip for the Week: Success can be seductive. It can make us believe we are better than we really are, or smarter than everyone else. Be wise… and understand that success has destroyed many individuals by making them complacent or even arrogant. It is true that success is the result of hard work, but it also can be due to luck, good timing or innovation. Don’t allow success to delude you into thinking you can’t make mistakes or lose everything you have achieved.

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