6 Profitable Small Business Ideas at Home in 2021 (Introverts and Extroverts)

3 years ago

Just starting out with little to no money? Multiple unique and highly profitable small business ideas (for introverts and extroverts) you can start at home for 2021.
Research, SEO and article writing.
Anyone can learn to write, everything you need to learn is online for free. Are there thousands of struggling writers? yes. But if you learn to write good quality well researched and SEO's articles, you can earn up to $400 a day. Right now we typically pay writers around $200-$400 for research, seo and article writing for a 2400 plus word article. Most of our providers can do this within a day, so they are making $400 a day, which is 6 figures a year. Live anywhere, travel the world, work when you want, it's a great gig and you can learn to write well using free courses online.
Writing in the sales and marketing niche usually pays the highest vs other industries. Now if you arent good, the pay isnt good, as low as $20 per 1000 words, but you can still earn a livable income if your expenses are low. If you move to the country or even another country with lower cost of living, heck yo can live n a beach in some countries for $800 a month. If you are good, word gets around and the top players will retain your services. Good article and blog writers are always in demand and you can promote your services on gig sites like fiverr or upwork, more on that in a minute. Again, basic knowledge of SEO, good research and writing skills, these are are the keys to earning the most money in writing. If you are an established writer who cant pay the bills, take an hour a day, add SEO and research to your toolkit and you can increase your earnings.

At-Home Recruiting business. One for the extraverts. How does recruiting work? If you find someone looking for work place that candidate with a company the average fee is 15-25% of their first year salary. So one placement for a $100k a year job could yield $25,000 for one deal, just picking up the phone and connecting people. Many executive or professional positions pay much more. Almost no startup costs all you need is a phone and some contacts, and you are finding people who are looking for work, connecting them with companies looking for people. This is a business where if you become good you can earn hundreds per hour. Most people think you need to have a relevant degree in HR or similar, not true. Linkedin did a study on backgrounds of 100000 recruiters and the top 5 backgrounds were Psychology, Business, Marketing, Human Resources and Sociology. This is a very relational business, so if you are an introvert, this is not the business for you. Tons of resources online for how to become a recruiter, or start off cold-calling for a company then start your business.

Online marketer. The most misunderstood business in the world, and also the greatest business where 95% of people try, fail, and give up. Bold statement, knowing how to market online is the closest you will come to literally printing money. I could go on for hours about multiple ways this skill can be used. Every business today revolves around marketing, client acquisition, and most businesses still dont know how to do it well, you can help those businesses, or start your own, selling your own products or other peoples. If you start your own business you can resell products on Amazon or Shopify, you can sell affiliate products ranging from education to self help, some educational products pay a $500 commission per sale and there are thousands of people right now looking for those products. All you need to know is how to connect buyers with sellers, which is a straight forward process and everything you need to know is online,.. You can sell leads to plumbing companies or plastic surgeons or realtors often for hundreds of dollars per lead, In just a few weeks or months, even if you dedicate just an hour a day to learn online marketing you will have a skill that you can leverage in your own business, or helping other business, locally or nationally. The key here is not to give up, and not to listen to the hundreds of people who gave it a mediocre effort and tell you it cant be done. Listen to the people who have done it - there are thousands who work from home, travel anywhere, and are doing 6 or 7 figures.


#franchisecity #businessathome

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