How to Get Franchise City Reviews FREE in 48 hrs

2 years ago

The easy way to get free Franchise City reviews (and more!) for any franchise in 2-4 days. If you are considering buying a franchise this is the video to watch!


When you call us you are partnered with one of our franchise coaches. Everyone at Franchise City is an experienced entrepreneur, we have multi-unit franchise owners, franchise founders, even award winning entrepreneurs who have built 100m a year companies and enjoy helping new entrepreneurs get started. These are people who know the franchise space, we know the best brands, and can help you through the process.
Your coach will ask about your goals, skills, local market, demographics, exit strategy, operational preference, and will help you identify which top franchises are available in your area and best suited to your profile.
If you have certain skills there are some very profitable brands. One franchise in the construction space top franchisees have *profit of 1.5 million a year. Buyers don't know what they don't know. Many people are still buying low earning franchises because they don't know any better. But if have the skills and market demand there are some amazing franchises most people are not aware of because the great franchises don't advertise much if at all because they don't have to. We want to help you find the best franchise for your specific situation. If you made the mistake of going direct to a franchise already we can help you review and compare that franchise to alternatives. We actually have very powerful tools to help you compare franchises and 95% of the time we will find more profitable options.

So after learning about your situation and business goals your coach will present 2-4 franchises. But we don't want you to take our word for it these are good- we then help you validate these brands like a pro to ensure a sound decision is being made. To help with that research, candidates gain access to our intranet of tools. Inside the intranet are - comprehensive industry reports that help determine if your industry of choice is facing any pressures in the future. These detailed reports cost $1000 online, available free as a Franchise City candidate. You'll also have access to comparative analysis reports, these are custom created reports, we'll put them together for you, that help you compare multiple franchises on key criteria like profitability, royalty sizes, lawsuits, bankruptcies and more. This tool can also help uncover potential red flags and quickly identify which franchise ranks highest. You'll have access to download our Franchek diligence checklist, this is a very powerful 63 point franchise inspection list that details very important considerations that many buyers miss, that can be very costly. With Franchek and the help of your franchise coach you'll learn how to research revenue channels, inventory considerations, build a pro-forma, identify red flags and much more.

You'll also have access to our psychometric assessment that helps determine what type of franchise operational model would be best suited to your skills and preferences. This tool can actually predict your performance in a hypothetical business environment. This assessment can save you a lot of money by avoiding incompatible franchises.

We can also help you with financing, including no money down loans, SBA loans and 401K rollovers, if you are a minority or veteran we can help you with incentives, in fact some franchises waive the entire franchise fee, that's a savings of up to $40,000 we can help you find those, we'll help arrange calls with existing franchise owners so you can hear an actual "day in the life" and much more.

That is how to make a good decision, not watching a random 5 minute review online. So just call us! Some people are confused as to why everything is free. Working with a Real estate agent or business broker is also free as the seller pays a commission, same with us. In our case we wanted to bring more value so we dont just throw franchises in front of you, we provide a proprietary process and library of tools that help buyers make informed decisions, and include those for free. We want you to come to Franchise City when its time for you to buy a franchise.

So you can watch a review, go direct to the franchise, and never know if better options exist, or contact Franchise city and use a proven process. You'll access an experienced franchise coach to guide you throughout the process, insider access to many unadvertised premium brands, research assistance, access to a library of research tools, financing and legal help, and more. Our service costs you nothing, and the price of your franchise is exactly the same if you go direct or work with Franchise City. We have helped hundreds of franchise buyers over the past decade and we are here for you as well.
#franchisecity #reviews

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