Rep Nancy Mace 8 Feb 23 House hearing Twitters suppression of vital covid facts

1 year ago

Twitter censored doctors from Stanford and Harvard for sharing truthful information about COVID-19.

GOP Rep Nancy Mace (who herself reveals she is now vaccine injured) grills Twitter moderator Gadde over their criminal suppression of vital information of Covid and the vaccines which notarised doctors and physicians tried to bring to light on the platform. It is also revealed that this suppression was done in collusion with, and directed by the FBI.

Millions of people have been harmed and killed by the vaccines which have demonstrated now to be highly toxic.

With reportedly three quarters of the worlds population now vaccinated, the damage of death and injury is obviously colossal, and therefore can only be deemed as a crime against humanity. Criminal charges and prosecution at an international level - such as The Hague - must surely follow.

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