satan's underlings be like...comedy confessional (ag standup)

2 years ago

such a bangin outfit
they're already laughin
a martian like me, NOT A DISABILITY
crazy cat ladeh sash...stop expecting sex
mfing meow meow meow
i always forget to turn it on
smarter than america
imma pee on that that's a live stream
lost my tooth last summer
fish egg collection...makeshift tooth (for a very short min)
protesting society's collective nihilism about the technological takeover
not a joke, not so fun facts
shame is a good thing, i used to be a slutbag NOT GOOD
fornicators unwelcome in Heaven
what chu put in yer liver can't excuse what chu put in yer vagina
Baddie4shoes...alcoholic, kleptomaniac, slutbag, 12step cult follower, now tattoo parlor victim
tattoo...visual proof of failure
that's my fren in the audience who is covered in tats *born again Christian comic who used to be in a gang hahaha, we cherish this shit
tattoo parlor interrogation
no daddy talks? no tattoo
coffee grounds make the world go round WRITE THAT DOWN
i can make him do what i want
coffee: taste acquired in rehab
how i survived the 20s: chain-smoking
start that addiction in a rehab clinic just outta spite
2 pack a day smoker, 10 yrs
sapio sexual...ugly but they still want you, so true why society why just lemme be damnit
yes read the Bible is right, best way to end that set hahaha

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