Solution To End the Globalist System - Share to Educate More

2 years ago

Zoom daily 5 - 10 PM EST Daily join and meet amazing Sovereigns dedicated to a Solution.The Sovereign have drafted a Constitution for your local community to review to KILL the NWO in their Tracks -

The globalists’ war on Communities has entered its final stages: Many are ready to fall like dominoes

UNDRIP - Bylaws and the theft of your Property

Tensions are escalating around the world, more rapidly it seems with each passing week.

As we pointed out , the globalists have entered the “kill phase” of their plan for a Great Reset. But the killing is not limited to individuals in an effort to meet depopulation goals, which they are doing quite efficiently through famine, war, abortion and toxic, sterilizing injections.

The “kill phase” targets nations.


Because we once were separated or individual areas that actually gave us our protection, which built the strength of our communities. It was the pride to protect your community ,it was respect to represent our community and this is what made our communities prosper!

Our communities were scattered around the planet. This was the greatest gift we had and enjoyed!
The Globalist plan is to destroy the local community and removing the authority from the community!

All These different communities thrived! Numerous names were given to these communities, villages, Tribes, Clans, but they were similar and they all wanted their communities to succeed! This was our greatest strength.

The Globalists new this and slowly eroded all these villages and tribes and created Nations to control the Sovereign men and woman. These Nations are Prisons, There are the Prison of Canada, US, Australia, Belgium, France and so on.

In these PRISONS there are wards called Alberta, Ontario, New Jersey, Idaho and so forth!
In these wards they created Blockchains called Cities or Towns!
All these the globalists created all have one thing in common. They all get their marching orders from the Globalists! They have total control of everything and YOU!

Absolute Power absolutely corrupts. ABSOLUTLEY!!!

Free-thinking Sovereign and independent sovereign communities/tribes/villages are the two biggest enemies of the one-world system that Globalists and his minions are trying to implement.

Things are moving more quickly now, because the globalist predator class has triggered its final, end-game play for total power, using the puppet politicians they’ve installed in every nation of the formerly free communities/villages, tribes on the planet to do their bidding.

The globalists are pushing all the right buttons to stoke the chaos, reopening every national wound from the past, such as residential school, reconciliation pouring salt in existing wounds. The ruling Parasites would only be doing this if their goal was to destabilize the nations and bring them down.

Not just a few nations. Not a single region. But worldwide, from Sri Lanka to Poland to the Netherlands, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K. and U.S. – it’s all coming apart at the seams at the same time.

The abject failures of these puppet regimes, which are starting to cause much human pain, are part of a deliberate plan.

Think about it.

They are told to go full bore on their climate agenda, driving up the cost of fuel and food to the point of making it unaffordable. Then they stoke the war in Ukraine, which exacerbates the very shortages they had already set in motion through their Covid bioweapon and supply-chain disruptions.

Without food and fuel, Sovereigns die.

But they don’t die easily.
They will put up a fight.
Blood will get spilled.

This inflames already highly charged hatred for the parasites or Globalists!
At some point the “have nots” will storm the fortresses of the haves and steal their stuff. More blood gets spilled in the process.

This sets the stage for a global dictatorship that will come in to restore order and promise peace and prosperity, maybe even denouncing of the whole climate change agenda that is at the heart of so much pain right now.
Before you can “build back better,” according to the slogan of the World Economic Forum, you must burn everything down.
And that’s where we’re at right now.

Expect the fires to intensify. Many of us sense that things are coming to a head, one way or another. The forces of good and evil are on a collision course,
The Globalists have been exposed. We know who their agents are now.
They have been able to work their evil under the radar for decades while hardly being noticed. That’s coming to an end. As their masks come off and they are revealed for what they are, that will lead to more Sovereign's eyes being opened and more Sovereign waking up.

The great push back is about to begin but we must use wisdom so as not to fall into the booby traps and land mines laid by the enemy.

A well formulated Plan will work if More Comprehend what MUST be done.
The battle to defeat the globalists is right in your local back yard. They have NO POWER if you actually comprehend this!

We remove the threat in each of our back yards!

Every Community does this and this is Lawful!

We the Sovereigns create our own contract /constitution, or bylaw that places all the Sovereign the authority!

They literally kill the Globalist plan in its tracks!

The so-called de-facto unlawful governments know this and their charade will come crashing down!

This plan has is available at Constitutional Conventions for you to research and share with your local community!

This will demolish the globalists foundation of the WEF, United Nations, Presidents, Prime Ministers Bills, Act's , Statues, their fictional courts and the END to the Globalists UN Agenda Plan!

This is enormous Victory for all Sovereigns in every community doing this!
The parasites or globalists do not have the resources to stop this!

This is why they keep millions distracted with the controlled op/agents directing you to put your energy into targeting fictions such as Rockefeller , Biden, Fauci, Trudeau or attacking the puppets at WEF, UN , and other fictions!

They direct your energy from the Solution. Well, we have the Solution!

Plan is divisive and millions will be used as tools for their own demise thinking they are helping, but in fact they are harming.

To break this trance of indoctrination or hypnotized state will take YOU and others to take the lead.

Simple ask them to focus on the root of the problem , NOT the Branches and leaves. The Root.

Stop sharing issues, and problems the globalists create!

The globalist keeps their charade alive by controlling the protests, convoys, events, rallies, political paradigm left vs right, mask vs no masks, no new normal, yellowvest, idle no more, black lives matter, ANTIFA, and both the alterante media and main stream media!

Controlled ops are trained professionals of psychological war fair and infiltrate every grass root movement to ensure they never become A SOLUTION!

Problem Reaction and Solution!

We Identified the Problem - The are NOT our Government! Never were so end this fiction!
Reaction - Remove all the Controlled OP's/ Agents!
Solution! Contract/constitution in each community!

Join us to END the parasites Globalists Tyranny!

We have collection of videos and information below

To end this NWO Agenda it will be You to build your community. You will not be alone.

This is the first Sovereign Constitution written by Sovereigns to protect our Unalienable Rights under Natural Law.

The Sovereign have drafted a Constitution for your local community to review

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