40 and 50 year old women say that they can compare with the version of them in their prime

2 years ago

Title: "The Joys of Adulthood: #Depression, #Sex, and #BillsOhMy!"

30 Hashtags: #GrowingUpIsHard #AdultingIsntEasy #TheStruggleIsReal #FirstWorldProblems #MillennialProblems #TheRealWorld #Responsibilities #MoneyTalks #PaycheckToPaycheck #SurvivingAdulthood #TheGrindNeverStops #TheBillsKeepComing #NeverEndingStress #TheStressIsReal #TheDarkSideOfAdulthood #TheRealitiesOfLife #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly #TheUpsAndDownsOfLife #TheJoysofBeingAnAdult #LaughingThroughThePain #SarcasmIsTheBestMedicine #TheHumorInAdulthood #FindingTheFunnyInEverydayLife #TheSilverLining #TheBrightSide #MakingTheBestOfIt #TheAdultJokeBook #TheHumorInReality #TheComedyOfLife #TheLighterSideOfAdulthood

I hope this joke brings a smile to your face!

Why did the adult cross the road? To get to the therapist on the other side to talk about their #Depression and to go home to their partner for some #Adulting. Because that's what adulthood is all about, right?

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