Tim Pool RETRACTS the ENTIRE Eliza Bleu Series, Calls You STUPID For Not Understanding It!

2 years ago

The Shane Cashman multi part series on Eliza Bleu was slapped with an Editor's Note, but as of today, it's been removed completely! Calling the audience "leeches," "cannibals" and "tumors" was fair play, but when your astral level projection reached to the paid op sphere with direct implications, that's a bridge too far. ShadowBox and the Gangstalker were only figments of Shane's imagination. Guess he will have to "Believe All Women" over there. Sucks to suck.

Tim Pool has been irreparably harmed by the actions he and his company, Timcast, have done this week. Sperging out on his audience and taking his viewers for granted, flip flopping on issues so frequently you'd think he's preparing a run at office and now saying the public is too stupid to understand Gonzo Journalism? It's amazing when you step back and look at it in totality.

Eliza Bleu ultimately benefits from this meltdown. Her censorship crusade gets covered up by independent journalism's biggest name self harming for the world to mock. What still remains is several Big Tech players selectively enforcing policies at the whims of a con artist. A con artist who still has a fake history, still has an extensive network and still has an army of simps. Give it time and Eliza will be back with a new story and grift and no one will be any the wiser. Yuck.

Timcast Archive 1: https://web.archive.org/web/20230206174116/https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-1/
TCA2: https://web.archive.org/web/20230209002203/https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-2/
TCA3: https://web.archive.org/web/20230210202637/https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-3/
Timcast 1: https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-1/
TC2: https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-2/
TC3: https://timcast.com/news/cashman-eliza-bleu-and-the-perpetual-trauma-machine-part-3/

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#TimPool #Timcast #GonzoJournalism #ElizaBleu #ElizaKnows #ElizaSiep #ElizaCuts #Eliza #TimcastIRL #ShaneCashman #HumanTrafficking #Grifter #Meltdown

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