Ron Wyatt Artifacts

2 years ago

Description Ross Patterson at the Wyatt Museum with Bill Fry (dec) Showing giant bones, petrified deck timber from Noah's ark and the cross hole plug from the crucifixion site. Also the stalactite that was at the entrance to the ark of the covenant chamber. This is what was on show in the early 2000's at the museum. Some of the displays may not be there now as I have heard that it is only a shadow of it's former glory.
To visit the museum
Wyatt Archaeological Museum
2502 Lynnville Hwy
Cornersville TN 37047

Info / Questions:
Phone: 931 293-4745

Wyatt Museum:
Sunday thru Friday
9AM - 12PM and 2PM - 5PM

Closed on Saturdays
Because of our speaking and excavation schedule, please call the museum office before coming to confirm we will be open at the number below:
Museum Phone: 931 293-4745

If you want to know more about the discoveries of Ron Wyatt visit

The discoveries are the biggest thing to hit the planet for 2000 years.

Many people ask when this blood sample will be made public. Our answer to them is that soon there will be in place an international sunday law. All the nations will pass laws requiring their citizens to keep sunday holy. When this law is enforced, 1 the Ten Commandments written by God's finger, 2 the blood sample, 3 clear video of all in the cave will be shown to the human race. When everyone has made their decision either to obey the 7th day Sabbath as written in the 10 Commandments or the Governments sunday law, the 7 last plagues will be poured out on the unprotected heads of those that obey the sunday law and reject God's Sabbath.

We would urge you to become acquainted with God's 10 Commandments in Exodus chapter 20 of your King James Bible and have faith in the blood which was poured out for you. Yeshua said that it is impossible for the 10 commandments to be changed. Matt 5:18.

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For those of you that say that Ron Wyatt never excavated in Jerusalem, see this video.

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