woke people eat their own words and general talk an offended by almost anything ?

2 years ago

Generally I have no problem with ‘woke’ people. But where I do get a little queasy is when it gets combined with a muscular authoritarian streak - trying to ‘out’ people who express views that they feel are insufficiently progressive and then attack them (or ‘cancel’ them) for it.

Having highly progressive views is absolutely fine in a free and open society. Attacking anyone who disagrees with you, frankly, is not. My daughter or son Now is full Woke. She or he now cannot discuss anything, leaves the room if challenged at all, does not allow anything, any talk, that might trigger her or him now. I'm conservative, she or he now couldn't handle it, walked out of my life.

There’s no general “woke” people. I think people can be “woke” about different things, and when they’re woke, they usually get offended when “business as usual” is used as an excuse to explain away something that needs to change or to be understood better by somnambulant and passers by who perpetuate the injustice through nonaction, which benefits them intrinsically.

Sometimes when you believe something is wrong, it becomes offensive.

But yeah, it can be annoying when you’re just trying to live your life and you have to worry about someone who just learned about Christopher Columbus or the prison industrial complex getting in your face over a pronoun.

This has been happening for a long time. Imagine when the printing press was invented and everyone was like, I can read the Bible too! Or when the Vietnam war was televised. Now we have the internet. The times they are a changing in perpetuity it seems. Keep building that Tower of Babel on the backs of the “out of touch.”

You say “now” but when are you comparing it to? Times used to be simple, and so were people, they were also more trusting, many people are beginning to wake up to all the lies perpetuated by media because they’re getting sloppy and on top of that the corruption is becoming more apparent. The more crazy things get, the less the answers we were given add up.

The notion that you have got it all figured out, knowing precisely (a) what is to be valued and what is not, (b) how to prioritize between conflicting desirable values, and (c) what actions are to be taken to maximize the desired goals. Make no mistake: you have NOT resolved ANY of the three.

Of course, considering oneself as being “woke” assumes not only that you have solved all the above problems thanks to some ideology you have embraced after reading a few pages of some author deemed of importance, but that, for doing so, now you are a part of humanity’s moral elite, so that your main mission in life is to “raise awareness” about issues so that others (never yourself) can actually do something about them according to your formulaic, vague and, therefore, ineffective prescriptions. Other than that, it is perfectly fine.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with saying or being woke. But some of us are “woke” at a very young age.

While I was in high school I had a friend (who was dark colored and she was very beautiful too) and I brought her to my church sponsored organization called “Pioneer Girls” as the group was always encouraging us to bring new people.

When I went to the ladies room one of the girls followed me in there and asked me “why did I bring her?” Saying like there was something wrong with my friend. She did not know this girl as they went to different schools, so I had to blame it upon some type of discrimination either that the girl was Puerto Rican or the girl’s older male family members may have been part of a gang. I did not think this person knew about the gang members though.

Of course this made me upset and I ended up quitting the pioneer girls shortly after that.

The next time I was “woke” was in basic training For the US Army and the instructor said only ignorant people and poor white trash who like to look down on other people are racists. I agreed as I knew more than a few people that fit that description.

I just really loved it when I read that the scientists proved that everyone shared their DNA with mitochondrial Eve a short black woman. Which means that everyone has her DNA so all of us are black. Couldn’t be happier about it.

Because they're arseholes with no sense of humour nor tabboo open mindedness and probably a really boring lack luster person to hang out with.There's nothing about being offended thats wrong i find some things offensive but instead of turning into a massive snowflakes throwing a tantrum and reporting and getting someone canceled or banned (because that's a childish pathetic immature way to handle a situation) i call the person out and explain and if so exchange verbal blows as I known u can dish out three times as bad as I'm given if someone annoys me. Once I've expressed myself if the person doesn't care or listen and are to toxic to see anothers point of view i just block them out my life and move on and leave it at that.

Theres being offended speaking freely and resolving an issue with someone then there's being a little baby about it and crying the victim card I personally hate people like that they destroy freedom of speech and they ruin the ability to be open minded and speak as you desire without worrying when the next toys out the cot sessions from them is coming.

Alot of people use this offended rubbish as a way to become some sort of special privileged person who can now exploit the offendee and this in the end does nothing for them if then person who offended doesn't care and ignored lack of reason by walking away so the offended cries even more and reports you for having opinions, being realistic or whatever really.

Sad truth is we live jn a world where fake is becoming the new normal and anyone who's oldskool, blunt and direct and real is considered either offensive or wrong and judgemental by the same people who do not realise what they're doing in return is wrong and judgemental but worst.

These fake people really need to just get over themselves and grow up and stop throwing tantrums over such trivial rubbish they could easily ignore or simply just unfriend or block the person because the worlds got more important things to deal with than a snowflake ego like poverty, famine, climate change, wars, world hunger, pandemics etc.

The person being offended is worst than than the offending if they then choose to pursue something left in the past.

I dont get offended by stupid things like swearing, having an opinion etc. I don't always agree and say when i know someone's talking crap to me but it doesn't offended me it more just bores me and kills the conversation.

People who are real are way much better and much more healthy to be around they may say harsh truths and strong facts and get real without question but hey at least you know where you stand with a real person and that isn't on eggshells.

The best people are the tabboo free spirited open minded so called offensive ones that are actually just honest and true.

Jesus preached that we should love our neighbor, no matter who they were and that Jesus loved all, no matter what they had done. It is offensive to suggest that Jesus would hate someone simply for loving a person of the opposite sex.

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