Stormy Daniel May Have Been A Biblical Clue

1 year ago

Research unveiled, on 1-19-20, for the battle plan design for the takedown of the kingdoms of earth. Updated as the timeline for its completion draws closer.

The battleplan was foretold long ago in a vision seen by Daniel. The Storm Yn Daniel has been raging for YEARS... as stated it would in Daniel 8:14. As evil kingdoms know, their time to demise and destroy humanity and live on earth is spiraling to an end. The Book of Enoch clearly explains how they will know their time is drawing to an end.

They have become more blazen in their satanic displays and demands for humanity to participate and accept their evil. Their season to mock God is accelerating to its end. The Satanic Bowl 2023 is this day and will display its disdain for The Creator in its half time show. The battle is about to surface for all to see. ARE YOU UP TO SPEED, HAVE YOUR SUPPLIES AND HAVE PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD? If not suit up, pray up and STAND up to be counted with the King of kings!
Evils reign is burning down to the ash heap of time and SHALL become dust in the wind! Do not submit to their deceit.

The King of kings wants you on His team!

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