March 5, 2009 🎺 Thus Says The Lord against Dallas and Las Vegas

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Thus Says The Lord against Dallas & Las Vegas

March 5, 2009 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Hear the Word of The Lord… Dallas shall become a desolation! Says The Lord. No structure shall be left standing! All shall be thrown down! Yet I will not make a total end. In it will I leave a remnant, those who repent and give Me glory. Behold, they shall arise from ruin, and bring Me glory, performing great exploits in My name.

Yet of Las Vegas, it will not be so… Of them, they shall receive recompense in full, the full cup of My hot displeasure! For the slate shall be wiped clean, and they shall perish with much shouting! Behold, not even the sidewalks will remain! Then deep and profound silence shall cover them.

For behold, this people, and this city called sin, shall be no more before My face! From that day onward and forever!…

FORGOTTEN AND BLOTTED OUT! Says The Lord God of Power and Glory, The Lord of Hosts is My name, The God of Israel!


March 31, 2009 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord of All… Woe to Dallas! Woe to the City of Innocent Blood! Fill up, then, the measure of the sin of your fathers!…

Behold, your land shall be left to you desolate, until the day comes when My people arise from ruin and take a stand; they shall stand strong and do what is right. Then the day shall come when they shall flee in haste, and your city shall be condemned; it shall no more stand… All shall fall and crumble before The Lord, in His anger! It shall be shaken down! It shall no more stand!

All shall crumble under the weight of My fury, for all their forsaking of Me!… And for all the blood, which remains on their hands!… THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT! Says The Lord.

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