Poverty in African countries

1 year ago

If you live in a First world country like USA UK and Other countries, never name yourself unlucky. You already have many odds in your favor just for being born there!

I was born in a third world country, in one of the countries considered one of the worst places in the WORLD to live. I don't see the numbers on statistics sites or in the news. I live this reality. I was born into a humble family (that's how we call the poor around here), I am the only man out of 4 children, and from an early age I felt the need to help my parents meet their needs, because of that, at 14 years old I I no longer received a penny from my parents, and I tried to make my own money that I would then come back and give them... I shouldn't even talk about it here, but the fact is that this video touched me a lot. A lot of things in this country are bad. And those most responsible for this are our leaders, who, due to greed, prefer that the country collapses while they enrich their private accounts. News passes day after day about the discovery of new resources, but little is seen of the result of such explorations. People keep dying in queues at hospitals (where doctors have super low wages), Roads look more like cemeteries, because there are so many holes... I would take forever to talk about the problems here. But I'll prefer to talk about it in the video that is coming.

I decided to create a YouTube channel as a way to leave my word in this world, to be able to tell stories, and to be able to generate some income that helps me and my family. And, if enough, my community. Poverty In this African Country Will make you Cry!

Thank you for reading this text!

2. https://worldpopulationreview.com/cou...

Some characters in this video are for illustration purposes only, and may not be real. Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence.

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