Dowsing Detective Peter Vincent at Judges Point, Rye UK A link to MARS 19 6 2019 27mins windy day

2 years ago

ETN became aware of the Biolocation team, after Channel 4 aired a documentary about the work of The Ammach Project, that Joanna founded in 2011, in 2013, which has since been superceded by the broader banner ETN. Peter Vincent contacted Joanna after seeing it, to alert her to their work.

They are an informal group in the UK who also run training courses to teach people to do what they do. They are likely the only ones on the planet, sourcing evidence of ET using this old tool, DOWSING but with its new application. They are of the opinion that they find so much which they report and draw up, because they are working in the magnetic field and not the electric, working with quantum physics, not Newtonian, which is why they say SETI, whom they have offered to share their work with and train, will not find anything substantial re ET using their array of telescopes.

For more than a decade they have discovered evidence of ET in ancient archaeology, ancient sites in fact not just in the UK, but many other countries too, when that was the last thing on their mind....

The people who make up this group of various disciplines, but with a scientific orientation, one being a retired physicist, were surprised themselves at their findings, but do not dispute that what they are discovering is generally non human, and to date have produced two books about their work and the subject, The Secret of the Stones, and The Phoenix Point, by Geoffrey Crockford and Nigel Hughes.

This orientation of this unexpected discovery was one they had not planned or looked for, but having come to light, led them onto some ground breaking, challenging and unexpected outcomes.

They established contact using this methodology, with what they call The Federation, a body of 24 civilisations, come together for safety and security and governance of an area. One of the dowsers feeding into the Biolocation Team, Peter Vincent, who since around 2004, was alerted by a dowser friend, to unusual burial configurations in a grove/park, nearby Tunbridge Wells, Peter's home city. Some of these burials seemed to be extra terrestrial, or at least of some other than human origin. Peter developed the uncanny ability to 'strike codes' which are essentially colour and number values, and these are gleaned on inquiry for such information from what you might call an ET body or his higher self, the general matrix of information. Whatever the body of knowledge is, he is able to tap into it and come up with a sequence of numbers with a colour value, which will of course have a specific frequency, much along the lines of radionics, which he references in relation to his sourcing codes, though he does this with the mind.

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