The Amber Room 22 10 21 13 11' Dowsing Detective ETN Short with Remote Viewer/Dowser Peter Vincent

2 years ago

This 13.11' ETN Short is a re-shoot of some material I managed to mislay, then on finding it again, found the sound hadn't come through in some parts, so it needed doing anyway....this latest video was recorded on 19th October 2021.

The Dowsing Detective is the idea for a series, where Peter and sometimes others can join him in exploring and discovering information that may lead to materials or past events in time, often with an ET element. Peter introduced me and was one of the stalwarts who fed into the Biolocation Team headed by Geoff Crockford, who was also kind enough - along with Nigel Hughes to do a short piece on the subject of ET through the remote viewing/dowsing lens which was absolutely fascinating, for The Eklectia Album.

Sadly Geoff left this plane too early late January 2020, and the group more or less fell away, with a less cohesive structure to work by, with Geoff no longer heading the field. Peter and I meet up on occasion to do some field work, filming of his findings and over the years, along with the Biolocation Team, I have many hours of video, which will feature in some episodes of The Dowsing Detectives.

This is just a short piece for Peter to have to send on essentially to others he has been trying to elicit some interest from, and to show how this relatively simple system works.

Peter for me, is the quintessential Englishman and with his lovely wife, Elizabeth they are a great couple, though she is French. This very intriguing subject from which nothing is hidden, is a way of drawing back the veil on many levels, as it is essentially all predicated on frequency in tandem with the operators own inherent dia and paramagnetic fields....

I hope you enjoy this piece, more to come.

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