On site testing of the surreptitious burial of ET in the Crematorium Tunbridge Wells UK c. 1930s 2.30'

2 years ago

This very short video was put together as the original video that I arranged to be filmed was never made available, so the secondary 'B' roll of my own has had to be cobbled together to describe what this extraordinary event is about - Late 1930s, some earth works being done in the Calverley grounds, Tunbridge Wells, UK, allegedly dug up some anomalous bodies, non-human....these were quietly removed, and interred by the local funeral director in a paupers grave in a disused corner - and which wouldn't be found unless you had an idea where it might be...One time neighbours of our Dowsing Detective, Harry Gardner, ex Navy and served in the police as a special also reported this event - and he noted that NO paperwork was ever raised in this regard, so no trace of such an incredible finding would be known of....except here of course....still, no paperwork.

I've been working joining the Biolocation Team on field trips, and participating and recording some of their work of findings in the magnetic spectrum where they have found evidence of ET in ancient archaeology and much more...they also came to know of an off planetary group, calling itself The Federation, which some of the Biolocators have been communicating and working with....and some of them have even developed relationships with some of these other world people, and some associated with them as guides.

Peter Vincent, remote viewed this area via a map, and this was his first time at the site of the alleged burial site....fascinating stuff...not all bodies as I understand it were brought out....

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