Lonely Fate (Extended Mix)

2 years ago

Music is an art form and a cultural activity whose medium is sound. General definitions of music include common elements such as pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts of tempo, meter and articulation), dynamics (intensity and softness) and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes called the "color" of a musical sound). Different styles or types of music may emphasize, minimize, or omit some of these elements. The music is performed with a wide range of instruments and vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping; there are instrumental-only pieces, vocal-only pieces (like songs without instrumental accompaniment), and pieces that combine vocals and instruments.
Music can be divided into different genres and subgenres, although the lines of demarcation and relationships between musical genres are often subtle, sometimes open to individual interpretation, and sometimes controversial. Within the "arts", music can be categorized as a performing art, a fine art, and an aural art. For many people in many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life. Artistic music, which includes classical music, opera, and jazz, among other forms, is generally more formally complex and is considered to have more artistic merit than popular music, which encompasses a wide range of styles and genres musical.

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