Wackiki Wabbit #popcoorn #cartoon #bugsbunny

2 years ago

Wackiki Wabbit is a 1943 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon, starring Bugs Bunny. It was released on July 3, 1943, and was written by Tedd Pierce and directed by Chuck Jones.

Mel Blanc voiced Bugs Bunny, and the two castaways were voiced by Michael Maltese and Tedd Pierce; no screen credit was given for any voice actors. Ken Harris is solely credited as the cartoon's animator, but other character animators who worked on the film were Ben Washam and Robert Cannon. John McGrew was the layout artist, and the background scenery was painted by Gene Fleury and Bernyce Polifka—all uncredited.

The cartoon opens with two castaways adrift on a small raft in the middle of the ocean, underscored with "Asleep in the Deep". Delirious from hunger, they start imagining each other, and even their own limbs, as food. They spot an island in the distance and rush ashore where they meet Bugs Bunny. To his friendly, "What's the good word, strangers?" they answer, "FOOD!" Subsequently, they set up a cooking pot and start chasing after Bugs, as he swings away on a vine.

Chasing Bugs through the jungle, the castaways spy him, semi-disguised as an island native, dancing. He welcomes them, "Ah! White Men! Welcome to Humuhumunukunukuapua'a'a'a Island." He then speaks in Polynesian-accented nonsense, a long stretch of which is subtitled simply, "What's up, Doc?" and a very short segment is subtitled, "Now is the time for every good man to come to the aid of his party."

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