1 year ago

#G13▪︎ Message For Today▪︎
■ G O D ■
Will always P R O V I D E a way to take the bitterness and anger out of your heart..If you allow him to do his work in your #Life..
Even when we have shunned him to the back of our #PRIORITIES..
We are at the forefront of his concerns to offer you #SALVATION and #ETERNALLIFE..
Sit back..#Meditate..#Observe and #Listen to the voice of A C T I O N S presented throughout your
L I F E..
Most H U M A N S do not want to accept this #Truth..
Some T R U T H S are the ugliness of our own
S E L F I S H N E S S . . . and D E S I R E S . . .
We made these and those
#CHOICES that brought us to this point..Blame not the #OneMostHigh for giving us the choice of our own actions..
That has I N F L U E N C E D the path you now tread upon..#SELFREFLECTION is a hard and #AbsoluteTruth for who we are..
A C C E P T A N C E of this truth will free you of resentment..frustration..and anger..You will have a better plan of attack in any situation..
Knowing It was your C H O I C E . . .
That put you in the position you're dealing with at this point in your life..
Moving forward with a #PositiveAttitude will open your eyes to promising endeavors..if you have the F A I T H and P E R S E V E R E N C E in G O D and your #Abilities to push forward towards our #Happiness and #Tranquillity..
It's never easy..The commitment to this way of acceptance..Requires all of Y O U . . . Not half of our attempts and attention..
#Concentration must be #Absolute..
If you believe in yourself (The Individual) and a
H I G H E R P O W E R . . . I don't expect all to follow suit..or believe..But those that do..Observe the changes around and in your
L I F E for the better..
Because you made the attempts for it to be so..
#Amen #RogerThat #AnndYouKnowThisssMaannn..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God and move forward with #PositiveOptimism #MuchLove Humans▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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