2 years ago

1 John 5:20 King James Version
20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Allow me to ask all of you this:

How do you view the biblical evidence for Jesus and His claims?

What does it mean for you to believe in Him?

I ask myself how I view the biblical evidence for Jesus, and I can't help but view them as factual. I was thinking deeply about these questions, and God brought some things to my mind that I'd like to share with you tonight. Right now, my friends, I'd like to share with all of you, what I believe based on scripture, as well as history, that proves not only Jesus’s existence, but that He truly is the son of God. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn all the evidence that proves Jesus is the son of God for yourself! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post for tonight I want to ask these very crucial questions, and I pray that you'll be able to answer them honestly to yourself. Who do you say that Jesus is? What can you tell about him? Finally, if you truly believe that Jesus is the son of God, what will you do with Him? Will you accept him or reject him? I pray that you will not reject Him, but that you will choose to do as John 1:12 states, and receive Him as your savior today. Just know that salvation is a completely FREE GIFT from God. It is one that cannot be bought or earned, because if so, then Christ would not have died for us, and salvation wouldn’t mean a thing! And, the best part, is that this can be for you too!! Trust me, there is no such thing as many paths, or other ways to Heaven, and the belief that there is no God, is a LIE. God very much DOES exist. He is a just, holy, and righteous God who hates sin, BUT He also LOVES you, and proved this, when He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for YOU!! I invite you all RIGHT NOW, to call on His name today, seek His face, ask Him to forgive you of whatever sins you’ve committed, and He WILL forgive it!! He doesn’t care about your lifestyle, skin color, faith, or ethnicity what you’ve done, where you’re from, or anything about you, just that you let Him in your heart. Please, choose to accept His Amazing, PERFECT grace, by receiving Him into your heart TODAY!!!! Just click this link below here, so that you can be redeemed!!



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