🎤Indoor Grow Space | Get Started | Tips to Get Started with Trish's Orchid Life #ninjaorchids

2 years ago

#orchids #growspace #pros #cons
AUDIO ISSUES RESOLVED: 0:44:09 Growing orchids indoors, be it on a windowsill, or a dedicated spare room or even a conservatory, has many advantages. Especially being able to regulate temperature, artificial lights, and humdity. Many orchids that we grow are continuous growers and having a dedicated orchid grow space, we can encourage the growth habit, no matter what the seasons are doing outdoors. That being, if you are not growing orchids in a natural al fresco setting, which is compatible with the orchids' needs. Let's talk about it and discuss the experiences behind having indoor orchid grow spaces, including the challenges, as well as follow the evolution of a grow space from the start and how it evolves, tips to make a right decision and keeping the grow space running the best way for orchids, while still being cost effective... beginners may benefit from this. #livestream if they are looking to add equipment to their current set up. #orchids #orchideen #orquideas #viral #howtogroworchidsindoors #artificiallights
Trish's Orchid Life YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Trish%E2%80%99sOrchidLife

🚨Unfortunately I had to blur out some private information which appeared while screen sharing during the stream. Having had to do this, cancelled out the live chat! My apologies for this slip of the mouse 🥴🤦🏼‍♀️

00:00 - Indoor Grow Space Valuable Tips on how to get started
0:44:09 - How a Grow Space Evolves based on the allocated space
0:45:00 - How windows can influence an Orchid Grow Space positively negatively
0:50:48 - Do phalaenopsis orchids get enough light when the angle of the sun is too high in the sky creating a very shaded room
0:54:07 - What does PAR mean in relation to light?
01:06:20 - How to consider adding supplemental artificial lights for growing orchids
01:07:55 - Do regular LED lights work as supplemental artificial lights for growing orchids or do the lights need to be specific for growing orchids?
01:13:01 - What are the benefits of blue and red supplemental artificial lights for growing orchids?
01:18:00 - How to regulate heat in an Orchid Grow Space
01:20:00 - How to regulate Humidity in an Orchid Grow Space
01:35:11 - How to deal with Humidity and cold temperatures airflow in an Orchid Grow Space
01:40:00 - Thoughts on what can be done differently after a few years of an Orchid Grow Space
01:58:50 - Do Lights help indicate how hot the orchid leaves are to avoid burning? How to avoid orchids burning under artificial supplementing lights
02:01:30 - How to grow mounted Orchids in a Grow Space
02:05:04 - General Q&A

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