Please join me in The Royal High Court of justice on 15/2/2023 at 10:00 for the Justice

1 year ago

Please Join me on 15/2/2023 at 10:00 am in The Royal Court of Justice , London ,Strands WC2A 2 LL , during my high court hearing against the GMC and the medical establishment for the ongoing injustice, freedom of speech,tyranny and violation of human rights ,civil liberties & medical ethics and current health crisis.

I stood for the cause of public in early 2020 with my view points of Corona pandemics a
, extraordinary restrictions on the public ,fear generated and roll out of unlicensed , experimental vaccination to public without out informed consent with 35 years of medical expertise with unblemished medical record with NHS in U.K.
I expressed my viewpoints in couple of my videos over the social media and got crucified by the medical establishment & medical regulator and Trust with dismissal & suspension since April 2020 and still suspended to send the message across the wider medical community which is totally unfair,unjustified ,unlawful , totalitarian & draconian.
I stood to protect human rights , injustice , integrity , freedom of speech and expression for everyone including health professionals without any recriminations .
I stood for the
Freedom of thoughts & ideas
Freedom of press & publication
Freedom of assembly and protest
Freedom of relegion & workshop for all faiths
Freedom at work place without any discrimination , bullying or harassment .
Freedom of justice, equality & justice regardless of any colour, race, religion or individuality .
In the last 3 years there has been serious violation of
The Human rights
Civil liberties
Medical ethics
Health Crisis
Security at work place without discrimination

I am standing for the humanity in restoration of justice, human rights , civil liberties and health services which has beff wen totally abandoned for the public for the last 3 years resulting 8 million patients including cancer patients are waiting for their investigations and treatment but not getting anywhere .
NHS has gone to its knees and has totally failed to provide health services to the public which they deserve ,despite totally supported by the public funds.

With this stand please come along and join us for the justice & integrity , truth to regain human rights ,civil liberties ,medical ethics and restoration of the NHS services .

Help me raise £15000 to Fund for Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS Consultant Surgeon & Fellow of The Royal College of Surgeons of UK for his Suspended Medical licence by GMC.. Please #donate on @justgiving and RT. Thanks!
Dr M. Adil

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