Spiritual Journey (COMPLETE)

2 years ago

Spiritual Journey According to St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiæ

0:00 - Preface, Prologue and Dedication
19:40 - Introduction to the Spiritual Journey
24:01 - Chapter 1 - God
37:25 - Chapter 2 - The Perfections of God
43:34 - Chapter 3 - The Divine Life
58:30 - Chapter 4 - The Angels
1:08:38 - Chapter 5 - The Creation of the World
1:33:30 - Chapter 6 - Jesus Christ by Whom Man's Return to God Is Accomplished
2:02:52 - Chapter 7 - The Sacraments of Jesus Christ
2:31:28 - Chapter 8 - The Church
2:37:26 - Chapter 9 - The Virgin Mary
2:41:20 - Chapter 10 - The Last Things
Complementary Notes
3:08:38 - I. The Necessity of the Catholic Religion
3:11:18 - II. The Objectivity of Our Spiritual Nature
3:14:24 - III. The Providential Choice of Rome

"Spiritual Journey" describes sanctity, both simple and profound, based upon the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. "Souls find in the Summa not only the light of the faith, but also the source of sanctity." Originally written for priests and seminarians, it is now a popular favorite. In satisfying the intellect rather than the emotions, we're encouraged to make "a total and unreserved offering of ourselves to God by our Lord Jesus Christ Crucified."

To purchase this book: https://angeluspress.org/products/spiritual-journey

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