Isaiah 11:1-12:6 “Jesus Rules” 02/08/2023

2 years ago

God had used Assyria as an instrument of His judgment…now the one who boasted that it was the axe (meaning Assyria) that did all the work and not the One who wielded it…
God was the One in control the whole time…God was wielding the axe.
And now God will use His axe of judgment against Assyria.
The proud will be brought low…and that is what the Bible tells us that “pride goes before the fall.”
There will come a time when Israel and Judah will be laid waste as well…
That will occur under Sennacherib the king of Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon.
God shows Isaiah that He will lay waste to forest…a forest is so dense and thick that to look at it you would get the impression it will last forever.
But God is able to lay it to waste…with just a word.

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