Oh no! Solar Power problems!! 😭

2 years ago

#tinyhouseliving #tinyhouse #solarenergy
instagram: @honeysucklehomesteadretreat

I had a lot of excitement and high expectations when I arrived at my tiny house this past weekend. I finally got someone to run a line from my solar on my barn to my tiny house for power. However, I was met with disappointment when I arrived.

You can purchase both the EcoFlow Pro Electric Generator and the EcoFlow River Mini here through my affililate link: https://tinyurl.com/4v7sd3ae

Now you can buy me a coffee! 😊 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/honeysucklefam

I also have an account on Rumble! Same video content, just a different platform:

"Ta Da" sound courtesy of @DaBritty

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