Training Points: Reports of a man that stabbed a woman

2 years ago

Backstory: Officers from the Salt Lake City Police Department were called to the scene after reports that a man stabbed a woman.

The body worn video showed an officer pull up to the scene as one of the construction workers approached and pointed out the individual as the man he said the woman identified as the suspect.

In the video, the officer was joined by another and they walked towards the individual.

Officers did work.

Training Points:

1. If it’s known the individual is armed and multiple officers are available then an intermediate/less than lethal and deadly force approach can be a viable option. Also keep in mind crossfire and backdrop.

2. The ability to create distance is critical especially when close proximity weapons are involved ie knife.

Distance = Time = Ability to process information = Appropriate application of force

The ability to create distance is purely based on ones ability. We always want to be able to perform optimally so training appropriately is critical. Variables such as gear set up, uniform mobility, physical mobility, agility, mental capacity, just to name a few will play a role in the outcome.

We know that running backwards is not optimal for multiple reasons when a threat is closing the distance. One major reason is we are not braking up the path for the threat. By rotating the hips we can change the angle this 1. Creates more speed/power while changing direction 2. It’s a more stable platform if you have to engage. 3. It create more TIME which creates distance.

For more information on how to incorporate agility in your training, increase your overall physical ability and health as a police officer follow: @effective.fitnesstraining and @efcombatives

Go Train

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