"What About My House You A******!?!": Ohio Listener Gives First Hand Account Of Train Disaster

1 year ago

A listener from Ohio gives his firsthand account of what it is like to live within five blocks of the East Palestine train derailment. A train carrying vinyl chloride derailed and exploded near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border, resulting in a controlled burn of toxic chemicals to prevent a more dangerous explosion. Thousands of residents of East Palestine were evacuated, and the controlled burn resulted in a phosgene and hydrogen chloride plume. Public health advocates warn that the accident is a wake-up call for the potential for more deadly freight rail derailments. Ineffective oversight and a self-monitoring industry that prioritizes profits over safety is responsible for the wreck. About 4.5 million tons of toxic chemicals are shipped by rail each year, with an average of 12,000 rail cars carrying hazardous materials passing through cities and towns each day.

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Hi Sam. It's Ryan from Ohio. Ryan from Ohio. What's on your mind? I haven't called in a while but well basically I don't know if you guys haven't really I haven't really seen a whole lot of coverage about this Nationwide but Friday night a little after nine o'clock I Heard a bunch of commotion outside and I walked outside to what I could only describe as like a hellscape. a train in my town derailed and they were calling for oil and chemicals. and there were Flames hundreds of feet high. I at least headlined that. I had seen that. and there was a mass evacuation. I mean hundreds of people were evacuated because of my understanding. yeah, this crash was about five blocks from my house actually. Wow! It was…yeah it was scary. But basically, so they evacuated us the first night because they said they didn't know what chemicals were on the train. It ended up with Norfolk Southern, the train company they claimed that they had. It took them like 24 hours to reveal what was even on the train. Right. and I mean you know in the age of computers it'd probably take about five minutes to figure out what was on the train. Certainly shouldn't take 24 hours because if you got something that's going to explode like that you would probably want to alert everybody you know all the local authorities right? Like I mean it's probably having nationalized trains to know this information sooner. without a doubt. We'll put up some of these pictures. a lot of protesters call these bomb trains. They're basically these trains that travel at high speeds through residential areas carrying all these noxious and explosive chemicals. and it ended up coming out well there's been a lot of there's been a lot of misinformation I will say. And it's crazy to see it happen in real-time and see news outlets that I thought were reputable parroting things that they hear from these train companies.

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