Dr. Robert O. Young Discusses the Effect of Graphene Oxide Causing Blood Clots from the Covid "VaXXXines"

1 year ago

Dr. Robert O young discusses the effects of graphene/iron oxide nanoparticles that are being found in the bloodstreams of people who have received the Covid-2 "vaccine" or died from sudden adult death syndrome. Please tell your family, friends, and associates to listen to my podcast and subscribe. It is available at freedomfromaddiction.libsyn.com.

You can also read Dr. Young's latest article on graphene, blood clots, live and dried blood testing and sudden death syndrome at: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/live-dried-blood-analysis-d-dimer-testing-to-validate-pathological-blood-coagulation-blood-clots

Where Can I Order the D-dimer test and Live and Dried Blood Microscopy Home Analysis - https://redemperorcbd.com/product/live-dried-blood-analysis-basic-advance-home-test/

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