2 years ago

Folks, this is a very very interesting conversation IMHO. But first I have to make something clear here.
When I post a clip, that's the DATA and INFORMATION in it that I am interested regardless of who's the speaker and his or her politics, religious belief.

In this clip, Dr Lee Merit's expertise and her new findings are of my interests.

I am an ex-christian atheist (actually a Buddhist in its true sense, If you understand what Buddhism is all about). I listen to what she or any other person has to say minus God. That’s how and why I can entertain a whole spectrum of different ideas and view points (e.g The late Dr Zelenko, Stew Peter, Brother Nathanael , Trembley Regis, Gerald Celente, Scott Ritter, Greg Hunter, George Galloway etc)

Thus, whether you are a believer or not, please find time and listen to this conversation which contains quite a few of crucial “forbidden” information, so to speak.

As always, the last word is yours.

When your love of FREEDOM and DIGNITY is greater than your FEAR of death, NO POWER can enslave you!

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