An unconventional tour of the Arizona capitol and overview of the appeals process

1 year ago

*Nothing in this video constitutes legal advice or instruction. The following represents satire and contemporary observations of current events.

With a high profile election case arriving at the court of appeals I though it would be interesting to take a look at the capitol complex through that lens. all 3 branches of the Arizona government are with in walking distance of each other and as they all intersect in this case we took a walk around the complex. I certainly see things through a slightly unorthodox view, but my heart is always with the common folk and more accessible services.

All of my observations of the legal process are from a layman's perspective and not to be taken a cannon, do your own research, make your own conclusions. Here are some links to help you with that research,


I am known for my diplomacy and communicating with tact and discretion. Having experience with investigations both in public safety and culinary arts leadership. I create accurate reports consistent with standards while safeguarding sensitive operational information. I am proficient in financials, policy, and law. I have a B.S. in public relations, am a S.M.E. in general instruction, and certified to teach traffic radar systems. My success and failures in both the private and municipal sectors gives me a unique look at communications

Please follow the links below to the other videos in this series.

Theo’s trap
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I am trained and practiced in CISM debriefings, peer support, crisis intervention techniques, situational awareness, active shooter response, and PTSD. It is limited to peer support and referral, not therapy or diagnosis. The most important aspect to guarding your personal health is to know the resilient equation. It is the quality rest, work life balance, and nutrition Venn diagram where the center is your personal / family sanctuary. The old model of health was the 3 pillars of exercise, nutrition, sleep. Rather I present a building with sleep as the foundation, 2 pillars of nutrition and exercise supporting a roof of education.

Please follow these links for more information.


Welcome to Yeti at large, a channel focused on projects, food, family, self-reliance, gardening, animals, love, mechanics, and communication (creative writing). We consistently demonstrate a profound respect for all life, in all conditions and all stations. This channel will share several ways we practice to reduce debt, increase self-reliance, and safeguard our happiness. We will feature some very practical small homesteading properties that are far from "pure" off grid or remote. We are making the best with what we have to work with.


Disclaimer; nothing in this channel is intended to represent advise or instruction. DO NOT attempt to reproduce anything we do. Please know your limits and follow all local laws and regulation. Be good to people and to yourself. You will see us make mistakes that have real consequences; we take full responsibility for our actions. We recommend you plan carefully and only make choices that are in your best interests, with in your abilities.

#arizona #savestate48 #election2022 #family #resiliency #communication #work #principles #leadership #courage #ptsd #cism #cit

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