Government will ALways be a Man and Not a Machine

2 years ago

Government will always be a man, not a machine. Men are untrustworthy, but that does not disqualify them for the position. Attempting to circumvent human nature by elaborate machinations and constitutional divisions never actually succeeds in smoothing out the fickleness of human nature. No constitution has ever been good enough to eliminate greed, or so order human affairs that despotism cannot arise and destroy a people. Human law is far too frail a prison for the human spirit.

No matter how good your laws are, no matter how well crafted your political system is, a powerful enough, and ambitious enough person will always find a way to claw their way to the top of the political ladder and subjugate all beneath them. The only law ever proven to temper the human spirit has been religious law, as this is the only code that demands and recommends that all men temper themselves. Thus it is imperative that the highest law in the land be subject to God's law, and the highest lawmaker in the land subject themselves to a law higher than themselves.

Currently, the lawmakers in ever capital city everywhere in the world are the highest law in the land. Nothing is stopping elected government officials from writing or adapting new laws to benefit themselves, and so they do--constantly. Only a tradition of submission to a higher power is a powerful enough motivating force to curb human ambition, though nothing can fully suppress the corruption of the human will, save the efforts of the human in question.

Many people think that Monarchy is too dangerous, since it trusts a human to govern, but they fail to realize that Monarchy is the only honest form of government. All governments must trust humans to govern, but only Monarchy does not pretend that this is not so. Those supporters of Constitutional authority pretend that the Constitution rules, but no piece of paper has ever ruled anyone. Only when the authorities decide to abide by the rules written in the Constitution does that paper have any significance. Modern authorities hide behind the Constitution to give them the appearance of right when they rule, but Monarchs cannot hide behind anything or anyone. Monarchs are held accountable only to the Law of God, and that makes them the only real and honest form of government.

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