I Dropped Him...

2 years ago

Thank you all for watching EPISODE 2! If you missed Ep 1.. it is literally one of my best videos out. DON'T MISS THE STORYLINE! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2abFZT3boYc&t=52s
Please subscribe and follow my IG @DFRIGA98
FAT s/o to my team @DaGuysSTL & @ISO.HOV They were all hooooooping. PLEASE SUB TO THEM ASAPPP!

HUGE s/o to @KansasCityDefender @thekansascitydefender3829 THEY HELPED ME IMMENSELY! if you do anything today, sub to them asap.

Who do y'all have winning? Philly Kobe or AJ?! I just want to warn you guys that it is quite literally the best 1v1 I've seen in terms of the game its self.. #FRIGBOWL

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