Expanding Black History in a Circle of Love

2 years ago


Expanding Black History Month in a Circle of Love. Because Black Love Matters LOVE Matters Saturday Febraury 11, 2023 From 12 niin until 2 PM  Join Powerful Converstions for Solutions at 515 605 9325 or The Female Solutions FaceBook "Live" In celebration of Negro, Black, Afro America, African America History month. They arel Americans. Right?  Are you ready for change in how we honor them in a Spirit of Love? What does it mean to do something in the American Spirit? Has that Spirit been identified? Is Forgiveness a part of this American Spirit? Have you noticed your currency and coins? What are they saying to you?  Why was February the month chosen for Negro History? In a true American Spirit, we see streets named after them.  We see monuments being raised all through Chicago and the country. Why does the education for our children lag behind with their stories?  In Spite of America’s inability to ask for forgiveness or apologize, it’s time that we take it to them so that our America can move forward in a new mindset.  We believe that’s our responsibility. This Saturday Mama Joy and Minister Rosemary invites you to chime in a Powerful  Conversation. This amazing month of February is ready to up Level Love for a Healthy Neighborship in Our beloved America. Let’s have  a Powerful Conversation about What the True American Spirit is all about. Why? Because Love Matters. America Matters. We the people of America Matters.

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