Episode 387: National Sins, True History - Ezra Stiles and America

2 years ago

Full description and references @: http://bit.ly/3HRXFlz

National sins despises true history. I have to clarify that I’m just a simple individual who studies my Bible, the Reformation and history. It is clear that humanity most often cherishes their sinfulness as proven by the O’biden State of the Union and the antics of the Deamoncrats, especially those wearing the loving abortion pins at that debacle.

As you will learn during the next few series of programs, I will present on and from ‘THE PULPIT OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: OR, The Political Sermons of The Period of 1776’ – is that for a nation to have political stability it must have a moral people. That morality needs to be established in Biblical Reformation Truth or else we have the morality of Satan which we see and hear in every corner of society, political policy and governance. This distinction on morality is fact, it is reality.

In the Preface of the quoted work it is noted that:
‘It is the voice of the Fathers of the Republic, enforced by their example. They invoked God in their civil assemblies, called upon their chosen teachers of religion for counsel from the Bible, and recognized its precepts as the law of their public conduct. The Fathers did not divorce politics and religion, but they denounced the separation as ungodly.’

We have deviated so far in our pulpits from the factual truths of our founding that personal sin is the enforcement of policy and example in political leadership. Where is it that those in political (legislative), bureaucratic or legal positions throughout local and state governance call on those for counsel from the Bible? It is the rare individual at any level of governance that even personally seeks the author of law let alone publicly manifests that they are beholden to and under the authority of the Sovereign of all creation.
This program is a call to, a challenge, maybe a mandate that all, meaning everyone, understands sovereignty. Humanity, especially in these United States, has through humanism, embellished individual sovereignty and dismissed the reality of God’s Sovereign – Jesus the Christ. This misplaced understanding and belief of human sovereignty is the essence of our national sins and rejection of true history.

Read the rest at: http://bit.ly/3HRXFlz

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