Woe to Mormons the Crown of Pride Drunkards of Ephraim the LDS Heretics

2 years ago

Here is a link to the wiki for information on the LDS Mormon church's false claim to Ephraim as a lineage right to Israel.

(Members of the LDS Church believe themselves, in a general sense, to be members of the House of Israel, many of whom believe themselves also to be the literal bloodline descendants of Ephraim, Joseph of Egypt's youngest son, but inheritor, notwithstanding, of Israel's "firstborn" birthright blessings. These modern Josephites claim, however, that many in their ranks are also of the tribe of Manasseh, Joseph's eldest son and a joint-recipient of the 'double portion' of Jacob's birthright blessing upon the heads of his grandsons.)

This study gives a shortened rebuke within the scripture of the KJV bible. Rebuking the LDS Mormon church teaching of a version of replacement theology, putting themselves in the place of the Jewish people, the Hebrews. and how that even if they do have a claim by Ephraim it is only honored by the word of God in the land of Israel, not in Utah.

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