The FEI is a JOKE | Hyperflexion & Rollkur

2 years ago

The FEI is a joke of an organization and does not care about welfare.


Denoix, J.-M. (2006) Functional anatomy and diagnostic imaging of the cervical spine. In: Report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's Workshop p. 8. Lausanne.
FEI (2006) Report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's Workshop - the use of over bending (Rollkür) in FEI Competition FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee Lausanne, 36.
Gomez-Alvarez, C.B., Rhodin, M., Bobber, M.F., Meyer, H., Weishaupt, M.A., Johnston, C. & Van Weeren, P.R. (2006) The effect of head and neck position on the thoracolumbar kinematics in the unridden horse. Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement (36), 445-451.
Heuschmann, G. (2006) Functional anatomy of the horses as related to over bending (Rollkur). In: Report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's Workshop p. 6. Lausanne.
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Karl, P. (2006) Irrwege des Modernes Dressur. Cadmos Verlag, Brunsbek, pp 24-29.
McGreevy P.D., A.N. McLean (2007) The roles of learning theory and ethology in equitation. Journal
of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 2, 108-118.
Rein tension measurements have been published and offer the simplest way of monitoring the buccal pressures required (either in one hit or by some accumulation of sustained smaller rein signals) to trigger hyperflexion

McGreevy, P.D. and McLean, A.N., 2009. Equitation Science. Wiley -Blackwell, Oxon. McLean, A.N., McGreevy, P.D., Jeffcott, L. (2006) Equitation and learning theory - positive and
negative reinforcement. In the report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's
Workshop, p 5, Lausanne.
Ödberg, F.O. (2006) Schooling principles and welfare - the situation of "rollkur" in this context. In
Report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's Workshop p. 7. Lausanne. Ollivier, D. (1999) La vérité sur l'équilibre. Berlin, Paris, p. 91-99
Passino, C. (2005) FEI spotlight falls on rollkur.
Rhodin, M. (2008) A biomechanical analysis of relationship between the head and neck position,
vertebral column and limbs in the horse at walk and trot. In Veterinary Medicine and Animal
Science, Vol. PhD, p. 48. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M.M., Blok, M.B., Begeman, L., Kamphuis, M.C.D., Lameris,
M.C., Spierenburg, A.J. & Lashley, M.J.J.O. (2006) Workload and stress in horses: comparison in horses ridden deep and round ('Rolkür') with a draw rein and horses ridden in a natural frame with only light rein contact. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde 131, 114-119.
Van Breda, E. (2006) A nonnatural head-neck position (Rolkür) during training results in less acute stress in elite, trained, dressage horses. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 9(1), 59- 64.
Van Weeren, P.R., Meyer, H., Johnston, C., Roepstorff, L. & Weishaupt, M.A. (2006) The effect of different head and neck positions on the thoracolumbar kinematics in the unridden horse. In: Report of the FEI Veterinary and Dressage Committee's Workshop p. 8. Lausanne.
Visser, E.K., van Reenen, C.G., van der Werf, J.T.N., Schilder, M.B.H., Knaap, J.H., Barneveld, A. & Blokhuis, H.J. (2002) Heart rate and heart rate variability during a novel object test and a handling test in young horses. Physiology & Behavior 76(2), 289-296.
Von Borstel, U. (2007) Fear in horses and how it is affected by the rider, training, and genetics. In: Faculty of Graduate Studies, p. 136. Guelph: University of Guelph.
Von Borstel, U.U., Duncan, I.J.H., Shoveller, A.K., Merkies, K., Keeling, L.J., and Millman, S.T. (2009) Impact or riding in a coercively obtained Rollkur posture on welfare and fear of performance horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 116, 228-236

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