CCRS TV 1-31-2023 SA RT Flippo, Vernuccio

2 years ago

David Flippo is a retired US Air Force Lt. Colonel and was a combat commander in charge of over 1,000 Airmen and was responsible for establishing three operating bases inside Iraq during combat operations. He says that military is at the weakest point since the 1970s. After retiring from the Air Force, David Flippo worked for BP, in Alaska, for 10 years, developing a preventive maintenance program for their entire north slope oilfield operation and leading several maintenance teams responsible for the oil flowing through the Alaska Pipeline. Now David wants to bring his experiences to the 4th district in Nevada and his common sense to Washington DC...TOPIC: The left is using our military as a social experiment!!

Frank Vernuccio serves as editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at FRANK also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on the AUN-TV Network and on cable in eastern Connecticut. TOPIC: Their Priorities, Not Yours

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