Battlefield Tour Schumann's Eck - Battle Of the Bulge Memorial Trail.

2 years ago

On 26 December 1944, the 3rd American Army of General Patton entered
the city of Bastogne. In order to break the encirclement,
the 26th “Yankee” Infantry Division was sent to make a breakthrough at
the Schumannseck crossroads and take the German troops
from the rear to the east of Bastogne.

But the fighting was heavy, and the American soldiers
only reached Schumannseck on 30 December 1944.
The advance was again stopped by the tenacious defense
of the German soldiers entrenched in the woods.

The front was frozen, and, for more than three weeks,
the fighting raged on. American attacks and
German counter-attacks followed one after another in
the snowy Ardennes forest.
Thousands died as a result of hand-to-hand combat,
machine-gun fire, and artillery fire.

Afterward, the liquidation of the Harlange pocket led to the surrender
of almost the entire 5th German Parachute Division.
However, it was not until 21 January 1945, with the liberation of Wiltz,
that the fighting at Schumannseck was finally over.

This memorial was erected on the 50th celebration
of the liberation of Luxembourg.
The memorial contains several plaques of the
American units who were involved in the battle.

There is also a Pak 40 at this crossroad,
that was found in the area, it was restored
and was coated with anti rust coating at the Bastogne Barracks
and it was placed here as a
new addition to the memorial in 2015.

A Memorial trial was also added in 2019
one that can be completed in 45min or one in 1h45min.

The trail shows aditional information
via cut-outs, recreated fox holes and positions, and
informations signs

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■ Information obtained from several sites.
■ Wikipedia
■ tanks-encyclopedia
■ preservedtanks

■ Some music is from the YouTube Audio Library.

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