CCRS TV 2-8-2023 SA RT Crouere, Spencer

2 years ago

eff Crouere is the host of, “Ringside Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans. He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on www.JeffCrouere.NET TOPIC: State of the Union Address

A member of the Rockefeller family, Dave Spencer grew up around a culture of political interest and involvement and being part of a family that is one of the pillars of philanthropy in America. A devastating car accident, which cost Dave a leg and the use of an arm, inspired him to pursue a positive, pragmatic approach to seeing the world. He created Practically Political to engage and motivate citizens who are fact- and issue-oriented, invite conversation, respect differences of opinion, believe in compromise and put sound policy before partisanship. TOPIC: Recap of the State of the Union Address?

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