Daily Chess play - 1400 - More blunders

2 years ago

First game, Close game but I lose due to running out of time. Really messy game.

Second game, We didn't trade until Move 15. He sacrificed Knight for two pawns on e4. This provided me a fork on Rook and Queen and he hangs the Queen on e4. Opponent resigns.

Third game, Nothing much to say but I give up my King side and get checkmated.

Fourth game, After the dust settles I am up a pawn at move 21. Up an another pawn a little later. Rooks facing Rooks. We trade some more and opponent resigns. Learned from last time to be careful with which Rook to take if you have a choice because it matters.

Fifth game, Up a Bishop when he sacrificed for pawn at e6. I give away my advantage at e5 thinking that I had the better trade. Got the Knight at c4 so I think I can win but I mess up and lose my Queen at c4. Sigh... and lose soon after.

Sixth game, Down a pawn soon after opening. My Rook and Queen get forked so I lose the Rook. I could have lasted longer but I move the wrong into a checkmate XD.

Making a lot of errors. I think I just need to clear my head more and focus. Hope to do better next time. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #daily #learning #fork #closecall #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors

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