Rihanna's got an NFT!

2 years ago

Rihanna is latest musicians to explore the real utility of an NFT.

Ahead of her big half-time show at the Super Bowl, Rihanna released 300 NFTs costing $210 each

Each collectible grants 0.0033% of the streaming royalties to her 2015 hit Bitch Better Have My Money — and overall, a 0.99% slice of the pie was up for grabs.

the NFTs sold out in a matter of minutes
The collectors will receive royalty payments every six months.

The is the latest example of how NFTs can give full creative control musicians over their art.

Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/new-nft-lets-rihanna-fans-make-money-from-her-music-as-linkin-park-team-up-with-web3-artist

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