Setting the record straight...

1 year ago

During the early 80's I was racially attacked by one of my sergeants and I fought back. Because I thought I would not be treated fairly at the company level I requested a trial by court-martial.

It did not excuse the fact that I assaulted a fellow marine. I was rightfully punished; I was reduced in rank and spent 28 days chipping paint off of ships. After that, I returned to my unit, was later promoted, and received my honorable discharge after completing my tour of duty.

That lesson learned gave me an enhanced sense of accountability and responsibility for my actions that would last a lifetime.

In 2001 I felt the call to return to active duty during a time of war and served with honor and distinction. I was awarded the Bronze Star of Valor, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal, and numerous commendations.

My friends, we must never run from our past but learn from our past.

#courtmartial #birdforgovernor #veteran

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