Liberty Conspiracy - Author Tom Monteleone Stands for Merit, Free Speech v Woke Mob

2 years ago

If you saw his name trending on Twitter, or read the Daily Beast hit-piece about him, you might have seen some of the cursory info about the well-known Sci-FI and Horror/Suspense novelist, short-story writer, and non-fiction scribe, Tom Monteleone. In this segment from Liberty Conspiracy Live, Gard gets to talk to Tom about the tsunami of attacks directed at him by numerous wokesters and cultural Marxists who not only mischaracterize his positions on important issues like equality and fairness, but who also engage in massive hypocrisy when they claim to be "defending the innocent and under-represented". Check this out, see what you think, and visit Tom's publishing company at Watch Liberty Conspiracy each M-F starting at 6 eastern US time! Be Seeing You!

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