Jennie Burrows Memorial

1 year ago

Jennie was a valued and integral part of the adoption reform movement in Australia. Jennie began Mothers For Contact a mothers' political activist group fighting for the rights of mothers and their illegally adopted babies the right to access information so they could be reunited. Through her commitment and that of other mothers the previously closed files were opened and mothers and their stolen children, now adults, could find each other. Jennie continued to work to expose the barbaric and illegal practices the adoption industry had engaged in to abduct newborns, sight unseen, from their heavily drugged and traumatised mothers - to be given to infertile married couples. Many mothers and their stolen children and other close family members have suffered a lifetime of varying degrees of trauma. Many mothers and their illegally taken children, unable to bear the pain of separation committed suicide. Most have suffered a lifetime of anxiety, depression and patholical grieving. Jenny, as part of the Apology Alliance fought to get apologies from every state and finally a federal apology delivered by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, March 21, 2013. Her last project, yet unfinished, was getting a Memorial in Hyde Park, NSW, to be unveiled in September 13, 2023. Unfortunately Jennie passed away on the January, 2023, so will not see its completion. Jennie was a brilliant, articulate warrior for our cause and will be terribly missed. She is irreplaceable. We loved and admired her and we will carry on her legacy fighting for the justice and rights of mothers and babies to be supported and kept together. And importantly to get justice for our mothers who still suffer and for our stolen babies, now adults, many of whom continue to grieve their loss of identity and of being unabe to grow up with their biological family.

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