Science Fiction: Virology as Ideology (Part 1)

2 years ago

Today, we interview writer & Marxist, Tom from Germany discussing Part 1 of his four part critique of science under Capitalism entitled “Virology as Ideology. A critique of Ruling Class Pseudoscience”. Tom shares his critique with us of science not just driven by the pursuit of profits but by the need of our rulers to control and the ideological role science plays under Capitalism. Tom belongs part of a Leftist working group Freie Linke Zukunft (Free Left Future) that was formed out of the struggle of COVID and its lockdown impositions in Germany. . Check us out.

Virology as Ideology:.A Critique of Ruling Class Psuedoscience - Part 1: Science and Class Society

T. Mohr’s work can be found in the MagMa, the organ of the Netzwerk Linker Widerstand of which the Freie Linke Zukunft is a part. The MagMa publishes chiefly in German, with a small but expanding English section of both original work and material translated from German for an English speaking audience. English submissions for publication in the MagMa are welcome for consideration. Those interested in the political orientation of the Freie Linke Zukunft should can also read its flyers. Please contact Mohr with any comments, criticisms, or questions at

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