The disappearance of NICOLA BULLEY Dowsing Detective Case 24 14' Feb 11 2023

2 years ago

On Friday, January 27th 2023, mother of two, and mortgage broker, Nicola Bulley dropped off her two little girls aged 6 and 8 at school, then continued her day by walking her dog Willow, a springer spaniel. They went along the tow path of the river Wyre, in the town of St Michael's on Wyre, Lancashire.

It was a day like most others, and no one noticed anything different about Nicola, and as far as anyone knew, there was no reason to think otherwise. During the later morning an alarm was raised when Willow was found running loose, and then her phone, still logged into a conference call, which she'd been a part of, but which had finished. This was indeed strange.

Enter Dowsing Detective & Remote Viewer, Peter Vincent. He uses a system which he created in this form, that is based on colours which have corresponding number values, and he is able to create a unique code for an individual from a photograph. We all have a unique energetic/frequency signature that can be coded. Coding can also be derived from other elements including images, maps and photographs.

Peter created a code - much like a bar code, which he uses with either or both a pendulum and the L rods to dowse to test for responses from the subject in a location or state of being (ie alive or dead etc) over maps and other material. This he did for Nicola Bulley.

What he found will not be released here, suffice it to say, he did not find her in the water, which finding was corroborated by a dowsing colleague. Our Dowsing Detective found a response also within a hospital, and on this film you will see him testing two major hospitals in Lancashire.

This material presented here in this short 24 minute video is essentially to demonstrate how the system works, some of the uses it can be put to as well as the variety of subjects it can be explored using it.

I hope you find this material as interesting as I do. Certainly, it has been created with sensitivity to the matter and respect for it and the family concerned. This system provides a unique opportunity to investigate a different possibility of outcome and as you will see from other episodes in the Dowsing Detective series, it has a lot of applications.

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