Agent of ®️AKITS - Releases April 9, 2023. #rakitstudios #actionfilm

2 years ago

Agent of the Random A** Kids in the Streets (2023) is a action short film is set in a dystopian future where systematic subjugation & depravation have been sanctioned and incentivized by totalitarian shadow figure organziations who call themselves The Injustices, who through feeding on ideologies of hate, supremacy & deception have gained immeasurable power throughout centuries but when an Agent of the Rebel Agency, R.A.K.I.T.S (Random Ass Kids in the Streets), Agent Q (Quentin C.J Livingston) is discovered to hold information vital to the survival of the Injustices in his mind, he become targeted by the 3 Operatives; Agents of Injustice. Survival is then the goal.

[ Shot on iPhone ]

Written, Directed & Produced by: Quentin C.J Livingsto

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