Free energy, Solar energy, How to make solar cell step by step

2 years ago

I tried this and it actually works allot better if you burn the copper wire first and let it oxidise. The thin layer of copper oxide acts as a mild dielectric which helps trap electrons that are knocked off the surface by photons. The maximum volts I get is around 1v per cell at an efficiency of around 5 - 10%
its called thermoelectric effect, the front is exposed to infrared radiation while the back not so a little current i created. more wire is = more current. thats obvious
1) black trashbag
2) bare copper wire
3) pice of glass
4)1n4148 diode or zeenar diode
5) 60/40 electrical solder
6) krazy glue
7) some sorta metal tape that is basically a bare wire
Tools: multimeter, soldering iron, scissors.
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