Digital id hostage situation in Canada done by Trudeau

2 years ago

Justin Trudeau has threatened Provincial Premiers that he will cut off healthcare funding unless they agree to Digital ID. This Digital ID system will allow government to control every aspect of your life.
Energy prices will continue to rise and rise. Join the Free Energy group to build devices and slash your electricity bill forever:

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Definitely hard to argue this isn't by definition the Mark of the Beast. It’s sure being sold that way.

Parallel societies and alternative mutually beneficial transaction systems among non-retarded people is what all of us should be focusing on right now.

It's never going to be a complete lockout there will be alternatives but the problem is not the government it's all the dummies who go along with anything the government pushes.

Aulterra devices for protection against 5G and wifi, which became necesarry in these days can be found at this link: Come with us on the free energy telegram group and lets build ourselves a new system based on free energy:

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